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I found myself watching "EAT PRAY LOVE" this weekend... I always find peace in watching that movie! It's sort of a reminder that other people have screwed up lives and even more screwed up emotions, just like me!!!

In one scene Liv (Julia Roberts) was at the love doc, crying about how she had broken up with her boyfriend because she was so overwhelmed with love for him that he made her feel unbalanced. In other words, she found herself devoting all of her time, energy and admiration to him that other things in her life were starting to fall short!!! Ketut Liyer (the love doc) said to her, "To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life."

I've meditated on that quote for few days now trying to make sense of my own 'unbalanced' but balanced life.

It's the duality of life that makes it so darn confusing yet totally comforting and worthwhile at the same time!! One thing can not exist without the opposite being true as well!!

It is true there is no up without a down, a wrong without a right, and a hot without a cold. But there are also a lot of subtle choices, changes and contradictions built into this paradox.

There is no ending without a new beginning, yet there is no beginning without an end!

The choices lie within our own minds. It's a competing power!

Without the power of intention, there is no compass to direct your choices. And without an overarching strategy to guide your choices, you are at the mercy of a whim and a prayer and a lot of pressure that each moment exerts!!

Or you're at the mercy of just "going through the motions" which requires little to no thought at all... it only requires a calendar and a clock. Yes, you have to make the choice to wake up and go, but there's really no meaning to that!

There is probably a "time" to go through the motions, but if you get stuck there you will be horribly disappointed when you wake up and realize you've wasted 5+ years staying the same!!!

Please don't do this to yourself OR your people!!

I challenge you to find meaning in everything you do!!! Ask yourself WHY for everything, even the things you think are stupid!!!

Without meaning and purpose, what good is it!?

If it doesn't serve YOU and the life YOU DREAMED OF HAVING, stop doing it!!!

I still see people every single day that are living in fear of changing their lives or they're living on someone else's terms! And I guess we all do that to a certain degree, but it doesn't have to be this way!!



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